Editing Packages

For a project estimate e-mail me a 5 page double-spaced sample.


Starts at 2¢/word.

Line-by-line editing for consistency in mechanics. Includes editing for typos and consistency of capitalization, punctuation, hyphenation, spelling, abbreviation, and treatment of numbers.

DSCN0815This is the right option for you if your manuscript has already been through several drafts and has already been professionally edited. This is the final stop before your work is ready to be published.

Add on: Query letter critique. $50.


Starts at 4¢/word.

Stylistic editing. Includes editing with attention to grammar, syntax (sentence structure), and word usage. I’ll correct any obvious mistakes and ask about anything I find confusing or ambiguous, always taking care to preserve your voice and intent. Also includes some editing for mechanics.

This option is right for you if your manuscript as been through several drafts and you’re ready for a professional edit.

Add on: Second pass. After you receive my comments and edits, make changes and send the manuscript back to me for another pass. 1¢/word.

Developmental Editing

Starts at 3¢/word.

Big-picture editing. In the margins of your manuscript, I will give notes and suggestions regarding plot and character development, point of view, dialogue, description, and showing versus telling.

This option is right for you if you’ve completed your manuscript but you know it needs more shaping and refining. Developmental editing provides guidance for your next draft.

Add on: Editorial Letter. I will provide feedback on the manuscript’s strengths and areas needing strengthening. I’ll give my top recommendations for your manuscript, as well as summarize the major notes in the margins into a concise reference. $100.

Bonus Add on: Bookmap. This chart will show your plot/timeline, main character development, and major theme development, chapter by chapter. A bookmap is a great tool for tracking consistency and identifying any overall holes or issues. $100.